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BioMA Framework

BioMA is a modelling framework composed of models and applications designed for running, calibrating, and improving biophysical and crop growth models. Biophysical models are algorithms to simulate a part of the biophysical system. Such algorithms can be coded into discrete software components.

The BioMA modelling framework is based on independent components, for both modelling solutions and the graphical user interface. As a basic user, you can run readily-available modelling solutions; as an advanced user, you can extend existing modelling solutions and/or add new components. The framework also includes integrated tools to support the calibration of the models, to run the simulations at grid level, and to visualize the results.

The BioMA framework is the result of a multiteam development including the Food Security Unit of the Joint Research Centre, European Commission and the Italian Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA      

An example of a possible workflow using some of the available tools within the BioMA framework is given below:

Models as BioMA framework components

Models in BioMA are composed of small components, which could be recombined (modularity) to increase reusability and sharing. Different partners can develop their own components, following the BioMA rules and guidelines, and the framework guarantees that the components could be combined together to create a more complete modelling solution.

The figure below shows some of the components created in the BioMA framework, divided in groups according to their field:

BioMA Spatial

BioMA allows running a model in a spatialized way, through the BioMA Spatial application. This allows to easily scale the simulation of the models from plot or field scale to country or global scale. The following shows an example of the generation of spatialized agro-climatic indices, for which an aridity index was run across Latin America on a 25 km grid:

BioMA Spatial can read and write input and output data to databases, CSV files, and other formats through an extensible set of input/output data managers.

Software Tools and Documentation

The following table presents elements of the BioMA modelling framework and provides access to the respective resources.

Note that, to support the users who are new to the application, several tutorials have been produced that guide the user through the required steps (either to configure the user's own components and models, or to configure and run existing modelling solutions).


Software Tool/Component



Link to Resources

BioMA Framework User Guide

The BioMA modelling framework is designed and developed for analyzing, parametrizing, and running modelling solutions based on biophysical models. It is based on independent components.


Modelling solution composition:

Tutorial - How to create a Modelling Solution

It guides the users of BioMA to create their own modelling solutions by implementing new model strategies.


Composition Layer Interactive Code (CLIC) User Guide

It allows creating code to build a modelling solution.


Model simulation:

BioMA Spatial Tutorial

This tutorial shows how to use the BioMA Spatial GUI to configure and run a modelling solution, as well as to visualize the results of the simulation.


BioMA Spatial

Graphical User Interface for configuring, running, and viewing a modelling solution in a spatially and temporally distributed context. The software available for download is a custom version of BioMA Spatial and relates to the Euroclima 2 project.


Parameter calibration:

Optimizer User Guide

It allows calibrating models of any modelling solution made available in BioMA.


Visual analysis of simulation results:

Graphical Data Displayer (GDD) User Guide

It allows displaying values either by textual tables or by several kinds of graphs.


Map Data Visualizer (MDV) User Guide

It allows inspecting and visually analyzing the outputs of simulations.


Component creation:

Tutorial - How to create a Component

It guides the users of BioMA to create their own components.


Domain Class Coder (DCC)

It allows generating the code of domain and parameter classes.


Strategies Class Coder (SCC)

It allows generating the code of model classes (strategies).

Model Components Explorer (MCE)

It allows exploring the component interfaces and the domain classes.

Model Parameters Editor (MPE)

It allows creating and editing the parameters of strategies.

Documentation ofBioMA Layers:

Composition Layer Documentation

The Composition Layer of BioMA allows composing new modelling solutions and/or develop components


Configuration Layer Documentation

The Configuration Layer of BioMA allows composing new modelling solutions and/or develop components.


Data Layer Documentation

The Data Layer of BioMA is a set of C# libraries that allows a programmer to manage the query and the modification of the database records.


Documentation of Modelling Solutions:

CropSyst Modelling Solution

These documents provide a description of the CropSyst, WOFOST, and WARM modelling solutions, which are implemented in the BioMA modelling framework.


WOFOST Modelling Solution


WARM Modelling Solution
